It is an exciting month coming up. Sifu Fong Ha will be on island starting on the September 17th for about ten days. That means there will be daily Tai Chi and Chi Kung practice at Kamaole 3 from 6:00-9:00 AM and from 6:00 PM to sunset. He will also be teaching a one day workshop for University of Hawaii, Maui College EdVenture program on the 28th of September. I have already signed up and I hope you will too. He and I have been talking and emailing. He is planning some other special workshops focusing on awareness, sensitivity and effortlessness. He has not given me the times or dates for these but stay tuned for updates.


For those who are interested in continuing Sifu Fong Ha’s work after he has left, I will be teaching a Monday evening class through EdVenture. It will be Monday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 from October 1st to November 5th.


There is one change in my Tai Chi teaching schedule. I will not be having my Monday morning class on the 24th because it would conflict with Sifu Fong Ha’s schedule.


Mahalo, Dani