The Masculine and the Feminine

Each of us contains the opposite. Perhaps, as in the I Ching, complement is a better word then opposite. Each man has elements of The Feminine inside and each woman has elements of The Masculine. We each express our own individual blend of these principles.   I...

Remembering Your Dreams

If we are using dreams as a way of paying attention to the unconscious one of the difficulties we may face is remembering our dreams. The memory centers in the brain are, in brain distances, fairly remote from the brain areas that are most active when we dream. It...

Dreams: A Compensatory Point of View

Each of us experiences the world from the point of view of our own egos. We have a perspective on our lives and the lives of others based on how we see ourselves in the world. This is not a bad thing. We need an ego to orient ourselves and to act as a cohesive element...

Dreams: A Symbolic Language

Each of us dreams about four or five times a night. Of course, many of these dreams go unremembered. Some people never remember their dreams. Most people do remember some dreams but they do not stay with them very long. Dreams start to deteriorate in the memory very...


  “the blossoming and unfolding of the individual as the experimental, doubtful, and bewildering work of the living God, to whom we have to lend our eyes and ears and discriminating mind.”  C.G. Jung   Our inner work requires cultivating the art of listening...